Solutions for Diverse Issues of the Digital Assets under One Reliable Roof

The digital revolution has introduced several new technologies that have the potential to change the lives of people. One such cutting-edge invention is the Blockchain. You might have heard about it. The Blockchain also known as digital gold is an ingenious invention that has evolved into something bigger. Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym for a person or group of people) is credited with invention of the famous technology that is now behind the most popular digital currency Bitcoin. The Blockchain allows the distribution of the digital information (not copied) is now penetrating into other areas as it has many other uses. The Blockchain has continuously increasing list of records that is linked together. The blocks are secured using the cryptography, which makes it difficult to hack or alter. It is also resistant to modification, so after the data is recorded, the alteration of blocks is not possible retroactively. People using the Blockchain technology can face issues. In such ...